Quick Bn Question

well mine were roughly 3 inch i think maybe slightly bigger but this was about 2 years ago and my memory isn't that good.
lol ok then,
its so annoyed coz i cant gte a female anywer :(
and i really wana try breeding them
i know you wanna breed them, mine bred first when i was on holiday, didn't even know there sexes back then, sadly though i lost my two females from there first lot last week :-( anyway hope you find a nice healthy female for you male :D
aww that sucks
how many BNs you got now?
yea hope i do too lol
i might be gettin som baby ones soon but then i gota wait so long fr breeding
both fish shops near me are out of females how lame
wat u got no BNs at all?
what happened to them all
im sure u had loads at one point
yes i did, the parents died after i'd ahd them 8 years :-( , sold most of the fry, kept the two smallest which both turned out to be female thank god, then i lost them a fortnight ago to velvet :-(
awwww that sucks
wow 8 years is long tho
was it old age they died of or is that still young for a fish?
it was old age according to someone on here, glad they lived that long though, will hopefully get another pair going :shifty:
thats cool :)
u must hav been lookin after them very very well then
so you hoping to get more breeding?
wat was main cave they used to breed in?
it was just an old castle from jolly's that cost me a fiver, and a fiver well spent it turned out to be :good:
haha thats cool,
well hope i can get female and try breed them also hopin my kribs will breed atm
well good luck with your breeding and finding a female :good: , i still haven't managed to get my guppies to stop :lol:
thanks :)
lol well for some reason ure fish u get breeding never stop lol

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