Quick 'background' Questions


New Member
Oct 31, 2011
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I've never really gotten along with stick on etc backgrounds, so I am contemplating painting the back of my tank.
Things I am considering :

gloss black
gloss cobalt/metallic blue
(other suggestions more then welcome)

now, what is the general consensus here, yay or nay for painting, and why?

And more importantly, has anyone done the above, and can they share how it looks in a live tank?


personaly iv never painted a tank's background on the tank itself... i pain a bit of borad and slide it behind the tank... or drop a bit of cloth behind it seems to work well
People swear by black gloss... but... I have just been given a tank that has had black gloss used as the back ground. Now it's a shoddy job so was considering removing it... lol, yeah right! Without the use of something like nitro mors it ain't never gonna come off! So, chose wisely. Emulsion would probably be a better choice, but will also not be as tough as gloss against scratches etc. I used a black bin bag on one of mine and it looks pretty good tbh.
Black gloss looks very nice..... external of tank of course :good:
I have used blue gloss on many tanks and think its far better than stick on backgrounds.

If your very careful not to paint any of the surround the paint could be removed with a glass scraper in the future if you changed your mind.

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