Questiopn About African Dwarf Frogs


New Member
Nov 10, 2007
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I am planning on buying some ADF, but i am scared that they wont be able to make it all the way to the top of my tank. It is about a 19 inch journey for them and im scared with the filter making a current that they wont be able to make it, also it being too tall. if anyone can enlighten me on their swimming abilities, i would greatly appriciate it. Also how many should iget if they can make the journey. My tank has a pleco, two gold fish, a molly, platty and 3 tetras.
I have never owned ADF's or any other type, but I'm sure they will be fine. They live in water so I would assume they will be fine swimming up to the top, even with some current. If you see that they are struggling with the current, trying using a diffuser. many types of filters have this attachment and it would help lower the velocity of the flow coming out of your filter.

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