
once i was a maggot

Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
melbourne Australia
hey all
i have a question for you, wat is the best way to clean the gravel out of smaller tanks that hold a gallon or less because you cant syphon it? the food gets in there if they are messy eaters and the poo an i hate knowing that its there making the water yuk.

also wats the difference between pimafix and melafix?

and one more question, if i bought sea salt with nothing added from the supermarket, would that b safe for bettas?

thanx in advance :D

im sry i cant help you with the pimafix melafix problem or teh salt issue but i clean my 1g bowls with a syphon all tehy time and it works great, only takes 1/2g to do it, you juts gotta clean it more often so it all doesn't build up.
with smaller tanks (1 gallon or less) we use no substrate simply because water changes and general bottom cleaning must be done more often. we buy sea salt from an asian grocery store and it works great. just make sure it's non iodized.
i used to have no substrate in my bowls but my bettas is very mess and he kept getting fin rot from laying in his own filth, it was gross, but i suppose if ur betta is pretty clean haveing no substrate is a good idea :thumbs:
i use a turkey baster between water changes for siphoning debris, not sure about the others though!!
thank u to everyone who helped answer my questions, i might take out the gravel and c how that works for a while, i juz bought sum sea salt that says it is a completely natural product without artificial additives, and the ingredients: flaky sea salt, thats it so it should b fine.
how much salt do u add per gallon?
thanx again
i add a small sprinkle per bucket full.
turkey basters are one of the most important instruments a betta enthuisiast can have i think :lol:

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