

New Member
Aug 13, 2003
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can Fruit tetra's go in the same tank as a black moor and how many tetras do i need are they ok with just 3 or 4 of them and can i put a guppy in with them? what do guppys and fruit tetras eat and should i get a 5 or 10 gallon tank?
What's a fruit tetra? I don't think I've ever heard of that species. Please make sure you know what you're buying (ie scientific name) because common names can cause a lot of confusion and problems. All tetras are schooling fish so should ideally be in a group of a minimum of 6-8 fish.

Guppies are generally OK with tetras but watch out for fin-nipping.

A Black Moor is a kind of goldfish, which is a cold water fish. They don't thrive in tropical tanks and they are extremely polluting. Goldfish need about 10 gallons each to be healthy.

For tropical fish the general rule is one inch of fish per gallon of water, however, the larger the tank the more stable it tends to be (in terms of water quality). I personally wouldn't have a tank smaller than 10 gallons - you can pick up a complete set-up from yard sales or Ebay.

Before you get your tank please follow the link in my sig and read about cycling and how to avoid "New Tank Syndrome".
Fruit Tetras are a fancy name for Albino Blackskirt Tetras that have been injected with dye. This process kills most of the fish it is performed on, the ones that survive have poor imune systems (as their immunities are busy fighting the dye) and shortened lifespans. Please do NOT buy these fish as it encourages the dying practice.
I suggest that you do not put tropical fish with goldfish becausea tropical tank is the perfect growing condition for a goldfish they will grow so fast and they will not hesitate to eat your tropical fish and yes you can put the guppies with neons I always have and the only tail nipping that goes on in my tank is the bigger fish getting the guppies tails never had a problem with neons and guppies

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