Questions On My Progress Of Breeding


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
just became an american *play dramatic music*
So we're going into day 9 of mr.crowntail male and mrs.female in the 10gallon breeding setup, divided by a tank divider, water level a little less than 2/3rds full with plastic wrap covering the top to hold in humidity, temp at 81-82 F. Both have been conditoned with frozen live blooworms, brine shrimp, and freeze dried blood worms. Live micro worms and frozen daphnia and 1/2 gallon containers(many) are ready for the fry. Here's the history so far before i ask my questions:

The female has had her vertical barring since early on and I've witnessed her laying eggs but she quickly ate them. She also has made 2 successful attempts to make it onto the males side, somehow i dont know, but luckily have caught her with not much damage done by the male and her fins regrow quickly.
The male has a bubble nest and covers about 70% of the surface on his side, so quite large. He seems interested in miss female and flares regularly at her. I'm sure because of the females quick visits to his side, he's has motivation and has been stimulated alot.

So my questions are: Are the fish giving me a sign thats it's about time they meet and that they approve of one another?
How bad is the aggression during breeding? How do you tell the difference between aggressive courtship or if the male simple hates her?

Thanks for the advice in advance.

PS: Yes i have places for the offspring. I have 2 pet stores as well as many individuals willing to buy them.
Yep, it sounds like they're ready! Removing the divider will most-likely mess up the males nest, so you'll probably need to keep her in a chimney vase and allow him to re-build for a day or so. Make sure the tank is very clean and you have a sponge filter in there, so you won't have to do a lot of cleaning when the fry are newborn. Other than that, good luck!!

I hope the pet stores you're selling your Bettas to are reputable... definitely avoid any store that keeps Bettas in small, dirty cups. I've gotten offers from a nice aquarium store, but it's difficult to tell how they treat your babies and how the new owners will treat them... ^_^ that's just me, though.
Thank you very much for your reply splashluff.

No worries, I wouldn't sell my babies to a store i had never visited first. The one main store keeps their bettas in very clean plastic, not too small containers that are all mounted on the wall with filtration flowing into each container. Its a very nice and clean setup. The second store has all their bettas is 1 gallon bowls and that are all well cared for. To the individuals i plan to sell to, they will have a little info card to make sure they take care of the bettas properly.
I just did another water change today and added some more life plants so the female has a good bundle of plants to run for rescue in.
It's gonna be soon, i can't wait and neither can my fiance. :D

Here's picture of the male incase you were interested. He's not even flaring here. When he flares, his dorsal fin overlaps his tail fin. It's pretty impressive. It's a big picture, thats why i'll post the link:

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