Questions on fish feeding


New Member
Jun 5, 2004
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I have several questions
1) What do you feed the following fish and where do you get it
-senagLUS bichir (2.5 in)
-spiny eel (4 in)
-bala shark (2.5 in)
2) What is the growth rate of the previously listed fish as well as a Angelfish (is 2 in right now)

Thanks in advance

by the way my brothar just fed the bichir a piece of a earthworm i caught is that good (he consumed it)
Bichirs are predatory fish and so need a diet of high protein foods like fish, mussels, cockles, shrimp, and pellets for carnivors, the occasional earthworm can be given too.
Bala sharks should be fed pleanty of live or frozen foods to keep them in top condition, bloodworm is favoured but should be mixed with other foods like daphnia, glassworm and shrimp, they will also eat cucumber and courgette which they should be given twice weekly.
Spiney eels, feed them whatever you can get them to eat :lol: Spiney eels are well known for being very fussy eaters though live and frozen bloodworm should be taken, also try them with other live or frozen foods.

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