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Sep 7, 2005
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I am currently learning about fishkeeping as I am interested in getting a few fish but at the

moment do not know much about them.
I am particularly interested in small fish, such as tetras etc.

I have a small tank which is 30 litres/6-7UK gallons, some smooth gravel and a sponge filter (no

pump though, just a sponge on a plastic stick). I am looking for advice on starting up and

stocking this tank and have loads of questions. I know a larger tank would be more stable but at

the moment I have no room for a larger tank as I have 2 gerbil tanks already and I am in a rented


1. Filter - what do I need? Will the sponge filter I have be ok if I get an airpump or do I need to get

a 'proper' filter such as a Fluval 1 (which I think would be the right size for this tank).

2. Heater - what wattage? What make/model can you suggest? etc etc

3. Light - the lid of the tank does not have any way to attach a light. I always have my desk lamp

on in the evenings (as doing university studying) so would this suffice if placed at a suitable

distance from the tank?

4. Testing kit, declorinator etc - what is good but cheap for testing while cycling?

5. Cycling - I am not sure if I am doing a fish or fish-free cycle yet, I need to learn more about

cycling really and it depends on the fish too.

6. Fish!
From looking up information on this forum and others, I have found these following to

*possibly* be suitable but I need to choose between them and work out what will go together:

Tetras - a shoal of 5-6 of one of the smaller types such as;
Ruby, Ember, Green Neon, Silvertip, Royal, Jewel, Red Phantom, Flag, Rosy, Splash, Black

Phantom, Firehead, Lemon, False Rummynose, Cochu's Blue, Emporer, Ornate, Head-and-Taillight,

Black Neon, Neon, Serpae, X-Ray. These all are 0.67-1.77 inches

Rasboras - instead of tetras. I do not yet know anything about rasboras.

Betta - one only
Guppies - males as females would get too big.
I don't know much about either of these yet.

Corys - Pygmy or Hasbrosus (sp?) as these are the smallest at about 1 inch
Shrimps - Amano or ghost

The idea would be to (if possible) get a shoal of 5-6 fish, a 'showy' fish (or 2 if guppies?) and a

couple of bottom feeders.

I would like some advice about stocking as I am trying to research about fish but there are so

many types of fish and I don't know what I am looking for apart from it being small!

OK, I am sure I have forgotten loads of questions but this will do to start with.
Thanks in advance,
Randommoose :)
1. Filter - what do I need? Will the sponge filter I have be ok if I get an airpump or do I need to get a 'proper' filter such as a Fluval 1 (which I think would be the right size for this tank).

No idea.

2. Heater - what wattage? What make/model can you suggest? etc etc
Many betta users opt for a 25 Watt heater on their small tanks, I've personally got a 50 Watt heater on my 5 gallon and dont have problems. But the packaging will say what size tank they're suited to.

3. Light - the lid of the tank does not have any way to attach a light. I always have my desk lamp on in the evenings (as doing university studying) so would this suffice if placed at a suitable distance from the tank?
The reason for light is for plants and/or to view your fish. I think a desk lamp is fine if you're not having plants, but incandescent bulbs can get hot, so just keep an eye on the temperature of the water incase it gets heated up by the bulb.

4. Testing kit, declorinator etc - what is good but cheap for testing while cycling?
You don't say where you're from. I would recommend API test kits. The master test kit is available in UK for under £20 and has pH, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia.

5. Cycling - I am not sure if I am doing a fish or fish-free cycle yet, I need to learn more about cycling really and it depends on the fish too.
I'd recommend a fishless cycle. You say you like tetras. If you decided to get neons, they are not good for cycling and will probably die.

6. Fish! From looking up information on this forum and others, I have found these following to *possibly* be suitable but I need to choose between them and work out what will go together:
Tetras - a shoal of 5-6 of one of the smaller types such as: Ruby, Ember, Green Neon, Silvertip, Royal, Jewel, Red Phantom, Flag, Rosy, Splash, Black Phantom, Firehead, Lemon, False Rummynose, Cochu's Blue, Emporer, Ornate, Head-and-Taillight, Black Neon, Neon, Serpae, X-Ray. These all are 0.67-1.77 inches

Rasboras - instead of tetras. I do not yet know anything about rasboras.

Betta - one only
Guppies - males as females would get too big.
I don't know much about either of these yet.

Corys - Pygmy or Hasbrosus (sp?) as these are the smallest at about 1 inch
Shrimps - Amano or ghost

The idea would be to (if possible) get a shoal of 5-6 fish, a 'showy' fish (or 2 if guppies?) and a couple of bottom feeders.

The 'rule' is 1 inch of fish per gallon, which gives you 6-7 of fish. But this is only a rule.

Is your tank a rectangle? or a hex tank?

There's no way you could have all of those. Bettas should really be kept on their own, altho cories would be OK with a betta, but a lot cories grow to 2-3 inches.

I would say your options (and people may disagree):
5 of the smaller tetras
1 male betta and 3 pygmy cories
1 dwarf puffer
Houndour sums it up on the stocking levels. I would only add that some of the tetras listed almost certainly need more swimming space than a 30 ltrs (6-7 gallons), so you'd need to ask about individual species in the characin forum. Guppies also appreciate a bit more room, as they are quite active for their size.

I'd opt for the betta. Another option is keeping African dwarf frogs frogs. I think (check!) that you could probably combine a betta with an ADF.
I have posted on the characin forum asking about tetra information.
I am more interested in the smaller fish so the 'showy' fish were just for if there was enough stocking space.
My tank is rectangular.

Just a question - I thought the 1 inch rule was '1 inch per US gallon' and I think 30litres works out at a higher number of US gallons (ie 8+) than UK gallons (6.6). Have I gone wrong somewhere? ;)

Yes, houndour, I know lots of corys grow too big which is why I would only get the pygmy or hasbrosus which are only 1 inch.

Thanks for the replies so far :D

Randommoose :)

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