Questions For Shrimp Keepers = )


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2007
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Hello everyone, i was hoping that any shrimp keepers could help me out here, this is my current condition...

I have a 10gal fish tank all ready cycled but i want to give that up and setup a 18gal tank, to quickly speed up the cycle i want to transfer all the filters from 10gal to the 18g <--- Good choice or bad choice??

I want to have as many as possible red cherry shrimps, but i wanted to know what are the best fishs to keep with with, iv read that neon tetra are good with shrimps, is this true? is there any other invertebrates that i could have as well?

Thanks for any advice and im also readying up as much as i can too = )

ohhh also iv read somewere about putting it floss into the intake filters?? what is that about for the shrimps
Any small Tetra, Rasbora, Danio will be fine, basically any fish that cant fit shrimp in their mouths will be fine.

Yeah putting your old filter media in your new filters will speed up the cycling process.

I've kept Cherries with lots of other types of shrimp just fine, even some bigger Bamboo Shrimp and Armoured Shrimp. You are very limited for tank mates but I have a huge colony of breeding Cherries and there are Pygmy Corys, Neon Tetra and I'm getting a few Scarlet Badis too. On the odd occasion the Tetra chase a baby shrimp but they are too fast for them most of the time.
Hey thank you very much for the advice, i really like the Scarlet Badis, they look amazing with there colors,

and as for the mates, i will get a few Neon Tetra and hopefully have the floor covered with red cherrys, ghost, and 3 or 4 bambo shrimps = )

iv read in a beginners article about wrapping a foam sponge around the intake tube for the filter, how will this effect cleaning of the tank?and as mentioned the floss in the intake, idk if that would have the same effect as a wrapped sponge will it?

again thank u so much for the advice = ]
Depends on your filter really, mine has nothing on it and the shrimp don't go anywhere near it either.
I initially used a small net I just cut the net off and placed it over my filter intake (205). Though shortly after it didn't have any problems so I let it go. I found my Shrimp were constantly being sucked into the Juwel 400/600 filter box but they just sat on the sponge and ate away each time. Nothing happened with them on the 205 though.

With tank mates... I think it can be hit or miss, I had a Bolivian ram in the tank with my shrimp and I watched the ram intently but it did nothing to them. The shrimp seemed so comfortable and sat all over the tank without care. Probably not the smartest thing introducing a Ram but there are a thousand hiding places in my tank.

If you have an external I really wouldnt recommend wrapping a sponge or floss around the intake. Once that intake becomes clogged and especially floss it will happen super fast then your filter will probably end up running dry or reducing its effectiveness awfully.

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