Questions for a new guy?


Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Hi there...first off...this forum is great and in the short time ive been reading ive gained a wealth of thanks!

Now...i currently have a 10 gallon tank with 4 tiger barbs (i know to loser said theyd be "no problem". So i bought a 65 gallon tank ( this stuff is really addicting ) anf i plan on givin the barbs some room to swim and addin a few more colorful buddies. Plus some plants and maybe an ell later on! the questions :lol:

1. If i use plants and gravel from the 10 gal (been running for 4 weeks with the barbs) to the new tank, will that help in adding benefisal bactera.? :/

2. Will a Bio-Wheel help in the Nitrogen cycle?

3. If Water right from the tap is added to a Tank(no fish) and then treated (tetra aquasafe) will this be ok....I think it is if there are fish in there then non conditioned water will kill the bacteria and plus others i dont know :thumbs:
But if there are no fish and or bacteria then it shoulnd't be a prob. Help?

4. How do you add the tanks and fish that you have to your messages.? :unsure:

Thnx again...any help i can get is great...and my barbs and future fish will thank you..

p.s. I have a tetra test kit and have a pretty good grasp of it all :fun:
Well - I'll help you with the signature stuff. One the top right of your screen it says "My Controls" that is where you can add your information and even an avatar if you like. :)

1. If i use plants and gravel from the 10 gal (been running for 4 weeks with the barbs) to the new tank, will that help in adding benefisal bactera.? 

2. Will a Bio-Wheel help in the Nitrogen cycle?
I'm not sure, better leave this question for someone else.

3. If Water right from the tap is added to a Tank(no fish) and then treated (tetra aquasafe) will this be ok....I think it is if there are fish in there then non conditioned water will kill the bacteria and plus others i dont know 
But if there are no fish and or bacteria then it shoulnd't be a prob. Help?
IMO, it's always better to add dechlorinated water to the aquarium, instead of adding tap water and then dechlorinating once the water is in the aquarium.

Edit: just saw that Alaska beat me in answering question # 4.
Great.....thanks for the help....Ive got one more question for ya?

1. Im going to be adding Java Ferns to my tank as i have read that they are easy and can take a wide range of water conditions. Can i add these plants at anytime or should i wait for a certain stage in the Nitrogen Cycle to introduce them?

:cool: again thanks for the help..
You can add them right away!

Just remember to tie the rhizome to something (driftwood) or wedge it between rocks instead of burying it in the substrate.

Good luck with your tank! :thumbs:

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