Fish Crazy
Okay, so I might be getting a 55 Gallon tank from a friend, and it has a male gold Gourami with it. I have a few questions on stocking.
Can I put a female betta with him? My friend has had male bettas with him before and they got along fine according to her.
Is this stocking okay:
6 Guppies
6 Platies
5 Ghost catfish (or 6 Cory cats)
the Male gourami
and one female betta
I have read that male bettas can't live with guppies, is this the same with females?
I already have the female betta, but I'm trying to have as few tanks running as possible. This betta lived with two other bettas for a short period of time, but when I bought one of her tankmates it was sick. Another friend picked it out so I didn't get a chance to look at it before buying it (which was a really bad idea I now know). One of the two died a few weeks later, so there were only two left. I didn't find out that the sick one had ick, as well as fin rot, until it was too late (she liked to hide, and I didn't see her much). I managed to save my current betta, who is now recovering from the fin rot and ick. Basically what I'm trying to say with that story is that this betta has lived with other fish and was the least aggressive of the three until the others were too sick to fight back.
I have had bettas for almost two years now, and have expirence with fin rot, dropsy (lost a male crowntail to that!), ick, and velvet. All of my bettas have been petstore bettas, two of them were birthday presents, so I'm going to say that it wasn't all me for most of those illnesses! Now I am very careful about choosing my bettas! Though for my three females I was going by the inch per gallon rule, and I had three fish in a 3.5 gallon tank, now I know that was way too small!
So the Gourami, and Betta have both lived peacefully with other fish.
Is that overstocked? I know that guppies and platies breed often (I have another friend with seven guppies, and some mollies in a five, or so, gallon tank), so I was thinking about getting only males of each of those.
If you can answer all of those questions it would be great! Thanks
Can I put a female betta with him? My friend has had male bettas with him before and they got along fine according to her.
Is this stocking okay:
6 Guppies
6 Platies
5 Ghost catfish (or 6 Cory cats)
the Male gourami
and one female betta
I have read that male bettas can't live with guppies, is this the same with females?
I already have the female betta, but I'm trying to have as few tanks running as possible. This betta lived with two other bettas for a short period of time, but when I bought one of her tankmates it was sick. Another friend picked it out so I didn't get a chance to look at it before buying it (which was a really bad idea I now know). One of the two died a few weeks later, so there were only two left. I didn't find out that the sick one had ick, as well as fin rot, until it was too late (she liked to hide, and I didn't see her much). I managed to save my current betta, who is now recovering from the fin rot and ick. Basically what I'm trying to say with that story is that this betta has lived with other fish and was the least aggressive of the three until the others were too sick to fight back.
I have had bettas for almost two years now, and have expirence with fin rot, dropsy (lost a male crowntail to that!), ick, and velvet. All of my bettas have been petstore bettas, two of them were birthday presents, so I'm going to say that it wasn't all me for most of those illnesses! Now I am very careful about choosing my bettas! Though for my three females I was going by the inch per gallon rule, and I had three fish in a 3.5 gallon tank, now I know that was way too small!
So the Gourami, and Betta have both lived peacefully with other fish.
Is that overstocked? I know that guppies and platies breed often (I have another friend with seven guppies, and some mollies in a five, or so, gallon tank), so I was thinking about getting only males of each of those.
If you can answer all of those questions it would be great! Thanks