Questions about the gal, and also the guy!


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Hiya. As I said in my post yesterday, I bought a very pathetic looking female betta from Walmart. Right now she is in her little filtered Azoo tank. However, she's still not happy. I really that obviously she'll need at least a few days to settle in, but I'd like any suggestions on how to ease this period and make her healthier. She's still a pretty dull grey color, with very dark vertical stripes. She does have a sheen of dark blue on top of her, and her fins may have some red in them. Do you guys think she'll turn more these colors or stay blah? It's ok if she's blah, she's totally cute anyway. But I'm curious of course! Also, her fins aren't in very good condition - they're very short and somewhat ragged. I want to help heal them up for her! Also want to make her overall health better. All that is currently in her water is StressCoat. I have BettaFix which says good for torn fins, and also aquarium salt. Do you guys think adding either or both of these would be good for the lil lady?

Also - just noticed that right in front of his dorsal fin, the newer guy has a wound. I hadn't seen it before so I guess he got it today. It's just a pink places missing some scales, should I worry and/or do anything? I don't want infection. He's in the same situation as the girlie, got Stress Coat and I'm debating on what else, if anything, to add. Opinions much appreciated!!
Argh!!! So sorry, it said it wasn't posting due to some error... :*) Didn't mean for all those multiples. *Tries to mentally delete them* Thanks mods. :look:

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