Fish Gatherer
Okay so I set up the 10 gallon and put my female betta that was terribly stressed out with two dark black horizontal stress lines running down her body and she hasn't eaten in about a week or so maybe longer. She was in my main 29 gallon and I think the pregnant molly shoved her away from all of the food. (She's such a pig) Anyways I was going to get a male betta for my 10 gallon, but thought I would try moving the female betta from the community into her own 10 gallon to see how she did.
I got her about 2 months ago and she hasn't grown at all since I bought her. She is about an inch in length. It actually isn't mine, my little sister wanted it so she bought it, but now she gave it to me.
Anyways I have a heater for it but the dresser it is on is nowhere near a plug outlet! So I can't plug in her heater until I can get an extension cord tomorrow or this weekend. It is supposed to get rather cold tonight around the 50's maybe even 40's. It is 52 F right now and will most likely drop as it gets later. I am afraid my betta will freeze to death over night. I have been constantly filling plastic bags with hot water and letting them sit in her tank to warm it up. It is currently at 75 F right now and since I don't have a lid for the tank either I put ceran (sp?) rap over the top and poked holes in it to lessen the ammount of cold air touching the water. I don't know if this will work so if anyone has any other ideas please let me know. I am open to anything!
I have been watching her all day long and I noticed she has a white spot where her poo should come out or really close to that area. I am not sure if it is EXACTLY where her poo should come out or if it is really close to it. I have been waiting for her to poo so I can see if it is normal or if it is white like internal parasites. I dropped two de-shelled peas in her tank and she darted for them like a mad man! She LOVED them. I mean she REALLY LOVED them..more than bloodworms! So I am hoping this will help her along and make her show me her poo so I can treat her if she has internal parasites.
So any advice on what do to? What meds to I get to treat internal parasites? Can aquarium salt be used to treat them or no? Please help. This is my FIRST betta and I want her to live as long as she can and be 100% healthy. She is my little girl.
I got her about 2 months ago and she hasn't grown at all since I bought her. She is about an inch in length. It actually isn't mine, my little sister wanted it so she bought it, but now she gave it to me.
Anyways I have a heater for it but the dresser it is on is nowhere near a plug outlet! So I can't plug in her heater until I can get an extension cord tomorrow or this weekend. It is supposed to get rather cold tonight around the 50's maybe even 40's. It is 52 F right now and will most likely drop as it gets later. I am afraid my betta will freeze to death over night. I have been constantly filling plastic bags with hot water and letting them sit in her tank to warm it up. It is currently at 75 F right now and since I don't have a lid for the tank either I put ceran (sp?) rap over the top and poked holes in it to lessen the ammount of cold air touching the water. I don't know if this will work so if anyone has any other ideas please let me know. I am open to anything!
I have been watching her all day long and I noticed she has a white spot where her poo should come out or really close to that area. I am not sure if it is EXACTLY where her poo should come out or if it is really close to it. I have been waiting for her to poo so I can see if it is normal or if it is white like internal parasites. I dropped two de-shelled peas in her tank and she darted for them like a mad man! She LOVED them. I mean she REALLY LOVED them..more than bloodworms! So I am hoping this will help her along and make her show me her poo so I can treat her if she has internal parasites.
So any advice on what do to? What meds to I get to treat internal parasites? Can aquarium salt be used to treat them or no? Please help. This is my FIRST betta and I want her to live as long as she can and be 100% healthy. She is my little girl.