Questions About Bristlnose Plecs


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2008
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I'm getting a new tank 30g soon for my swordtails, so I'm doing some research on different algae eaters and bottom dwelling fish to add in there. I have some questions about BN plecs, so if anyone could answer, I'd be really grateful.

First off, is 30g even big enough to hold Bristlenose plecs? I've heard different opinions, so I'm not sure. Also, if so, would it be big enough to hold a pair of bristlenoses. I've read they can be pretty aggressive with each other...

I also heard that Bristlenose plecs (and plecs in general) are really messy/dirty fish. is that something to worry about, or should it be okay if I keep the tank clean?

And finally, just out of curiostity really, can albino and normal bristlenoses breed and if so, what do the offspring look like? is it just a normal simple dominant recessive gene...?
hi in a 30g i would only keep 1 but like u say other ppl have diff opinions on this yes they are messy fish but a good filter and weekly changes should be fine.

yes both normal and albino can breed and usually do quite often once started lol :p

even if u had 2 normal bristlenose u could get albino so yes u would probably get a mix but not garenteed :)

hope that helped

it really did help, thanks for answering so quickly. :) I'm leaning more towards just getting a few otos, but I really love the albino color in BN's. hmmm...I still have at least another month or two to think about it though, since I'll have to wait for the new tank to get established and grow some algae anyway. Ah, I can't wait!!! :hyper:
I would suggest a single long fin albino bn.

However- be advised about swordtails- if you start with a sexually mature fm, odds are good she can have 1-5 spawns w/o a male. If you have both sexes, they will spawn and spawn and spawn- about once every 4 weeks. They can have many fry which in turn will be spawning themselves in not too many months. Hopefully, a lot will get eaten, but be prepared to be overrun :)

Sword fry are what got me into angels though- cause they love sword fry.

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