Questions about Balloon Pink Kissers


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Tuckerton, New Jersey
I was wondering if there is a way to sex balloon kissers. Also, is there anything I can do to promote breeding? How easy is it to breed them? How many should I keep in a tank (regardless of size...I mean how many should be kept together)? And, are they hybrids or mutants, I've heard various things about this.

Here's a pic of the two I have. I've noticed that the one on the right seems to pretty much always keep its top fin up, while the one on the left seems to keep it's top fin down most of the time...maybe that indicates something...the one on the right is a little more aggressive too.

I was wondering if there is a way to sex balloon kissers.

There isnt a know way to sex kissing gouramis that is reliable

Also, is there anything I can do to promote breeding? How easy is it to breed them?

These gouramis are quite hard to breed, just provide a tank close to there natural habitat and hope for the best. But if they do spawn there could be up to 1000fry :angry: so you would need a large grow out tank and some one to give all those babies to.

How many should I keep in a tank (regardless of size...I mean how many should be kept together)? And, are they hybrids or mutants, I've heard various things about this.

It is best to keep the as solatary fish as they can be agressive in there own kind and can get up to 8in in a aquarium,and ballon kissers are mutants. How big is you tank now? They are slow growers and may take a while to get up to that size

I've noticed that the one on the right seems to pretty much always keep its top fin up, while the one on the left seems to keep it's top fin down most of the time...maybe that indicates something...the one on the right is a little more aggressive too

That is just the dommnece ritual that kissers go threw,the larger one is just showing that he or she is bigger and stronger and gets first tabs on pretty much every thing
Thank you GL! They're in a 10 gallon right now, but only because the 30 gallon they were in broke, you can read that story on one of my other posts. I'm working on getting another decent size tank for them though. And 8 inches for a balloon...I didn't think they got that big, but that's fine I'll find a tank for them...I usually do. I'm not sayin I'm going to, but I guess the best way to breed them is to get a whole bunch and hope for the best then.

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