New Member
I have a 10 gallon, heavily planted tank with a few platies and one of them is pregnant. She doesn't look quite squared off yet but she's been hiding in the plants for at least a week and she stopped coming out to eat. I also think her birthing tube has opened. I moved her to a 2 litre (1/2 gallon) breeding tank that hangs on the outside of my main tank and has the main tank water going through it. There is a plant in there for her and I wrapped the outside of the breeding tank with a black cloth so she doesn't feel like she's just out in the open. I fed her brine shrimp and bloodworms and she ate them just fine. However, I've been reading how stressful and harmful being in a breeding tank can be. So far, she seems fine and I'm worried about keeping her in the main tank since she is not eating while in there. Essentially, I'm wondering if it would be more beneficial to keep her in the main tank or in the breeding tank.