Questioning The Validity Of My Pond (uk)


Apr 20, 2008
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My pond is circular with a central circular island

Total diameter is 210cm
Total depth is 60cm
Island diameter is 40cm and is a column down to the base
I work this out to about 70 UK gallons

It is natural with no filtration, no heater nothing at all. The plants are a few lillies and some duckweed. The current stocking is unknown last count around autumn was 8 adults and 20+ mature fry + frogs+ golden crested newts and some creepy crawlies no doubt. I think its severely overstocked and would stunt the goldfish but if so why have I got fry every year for the last 3 years with the adults being a good size I have actually been selling them to the LFS and they seem perfectly healthy. What can I do to help them and won't use electricity as that is way too much hassle with 10m of patio path in the way and the pond is concrete lined.
Sell or give away the fry? Perhaps a couple of breeding pairs if you know which are pairs/male and female. It's the easiest way of lowering the waste load and gives the remaining fish more room.

Either that or extend the pond if at all possible ( or a second pond? ). If it's attracting newts then you must have a good natural pond, but if you do extend it you'd have to be very careful not to disturb them as they are protected.
Well I will be selling the fry once they are old enough to show colour as my LFS don't want ones that aren't worth eyecandy. I don't know which ones are breeding pairs I don't even know the exact species :crazy: When it warms up hopefully they will be active enough to be photographed and then I can identify them. Nowhere to extend the pond to and digging a new would be a possibility as there is plenty of space but we have been trying to sell the house for the last 2-3 years (timed it perfectly for the credit crunch :() so the effort and cost would be difficult to justify. Also extending the pond would change the habitat thus be illegal due to the endangered newts.
If you could perhaps borrow or buy secondhand a small inflatable childs swimming pool or DEEP paddling pool, you could use this as a temporary grow out pond for the fry at least? ( Netted over to stop cats and herons ect ) Using some water from the pond ( top up with collected buckets of rainwater as it is a natural habitat for the newts ) mixed with fresh dechlorinated water they should do ok until they are big enough to sell.

Is there anyone you could give a few adults to? Any neighbors or relatives with a suitably sized pond?
Need the fish to become more active first before I can attempt to net them but that is a good idea :good:

I don't think any neighbours have any ponds I live in a house that is just outside of town nearest neighbours is a council estate 1-2 miles up the road.

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