
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
What is the difference in Marble and Multi? I am about 95% sure Hunter is a Multi, but I just wondered what the "offical" definition was. :unsure:
This boy of mine is a marble. Notice the splotches of color on his fins, especially.
This other boy of mine is a multi.

Does that help? I have a much better example of a marble in my possession---he's a black and white splotched little boy---but I don't have a picture of him. I wish I did!

(Sorry they aren't image-tagged properly. I don't have time to switch them from a bitmap to a .gif)
Thanks so much Kiarra!! I was wrong. Hunter is a marble. I just knew he was several different colors so I thought he must be a multi. See there, I've learned something new again today. :kana:
I think most true marbles have a redloss gene, so I'm not sure the example you gave counts Kiarra... He looks like more of a butterfly pattern with redwash to me, but I could be wrong :dunno:

Here's a nice example of a marble plakat from Aquabid, and here's a marble that either doesn't have the redloss gene or is just young and hasn't lost all his red yet. :)

Basically, marbles have their colours in patches with no real pattern and no defined borders between the body and fins
He keeps changing color on me. I think he is a marble. He looks more like one in person...too much of his fins have been obscured in that photo. I just don't really have a better one.
Charlie looks just like that first photo of yours Kiarra - especially now! He's got red streaks at the end of his fins because of some sort of infection or something - he never used to have them.

What is the difference in Marble and Multi? I am about 95% sure Hunter is a Multi, but I just wondered what the "offical" definition was.

An actual marble should have marbling on all of it's fins to be considered a "marble" and a multi should have three or more colors with each additional color in areas that are at least the size of it's eye , no smaller. :)

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