Hiya guys am I right in thinking that if I bought a male betta he would fight with my male guppies? I am going to buy a female anyway, but I was just wondering.
the male might see the flowing guppy fins as a threat and nip them. i'm not sure about a female, as they can be agressive as well. a lot depends on the personality of the individual betta...
I have put in a male betta with guppies and 2 males got their fins nipped a little bit so we removed him.
As for females, I have 5 together with 2 blue rams and no real fighting is hapening, just a bit of territorial defense and chasing around, but no harm done.
Well i had a female and male guppy with a male betta but he chased and nipped at their fins and ate a few of my guppy fry
But at the same time i had an older betta male and my really horny male guppy and they are the best of friends so i have no clue what to suggest other than it really depends on the fish.
On the bright colours idea, the LFS that I've just bought my Betta from kept one of their male Bettas in a tank full of mixed platies. A couple of those had nipped tails, but he didn't seem to be attacking them - I think it was probably the male platies beating each other up. The Betta was pretty peaceful in there, so he didn't see brightly coloured fish as a threat ... but maybe you need bright colors *and* a big flappy tail?
My male Betta seems to be having a go at one of my platies, though (just the one), and he really doesn't like the female Betta. Appears to be fighting rather than mating behaviour. Maybe he's having gender issue problems?
Up untill recently I had a male guppy & 2 female guppies in with Betta. LFS man said he had kept them @ home in same tank & not had problems.I had no problems between them, male guppy died of internal bacteria problem I think cos it was not harrasment or nipping. They lived in peace for about 3 weeks. Up until 2 days ago (removed due to unexplined tail deterioration) crawford the betta still lived with two female guppies with quite large coloured tails.
So that is my experience, use it as you will!