

Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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My betta is living in a 5 1/2 gallon tank with a Pleco algae eater..My question is about the Pleco...What should I feed him, cause I dont think hes getting anything cause I dont feed the Betta that much..Any suggestion on what I could do? I have another pleco in my 10 gallon tank with my Mollies and Guppies and he eats with them so I know hes eating..I am just worried about the other one, I dont think he is eating!!! :-(
Algae can get them in almost any lfs or where other fish foods are sold! Ours absolutely loves them! As do our corydoras, platys, swordtails, serpae tetras, and g. bahia reds! They all gang up on them!

Algae Tabs are great and if you want you can also blanch some zucchini and weigh it down. all of my fish tear the zucchini up really fast.
plecos are nocturnal also, so when he eats its usually at night. Drop in the algae discs at night right after u turn off the light :)
Thanks for the info..I have a question about the cucumber and you just buy it from the store and wash it real good and then weigh it down in the tank or do you have to do something special to it? Is it ok for the other fish to eat it? cause I might do it with the one in the tank with the mollies and guppies...Will my Betta eat it too? and is it ok for him to eat it? Sorry for all the questions but I have never heard of doing this LOL
zucchini and cucumber is beneficial for all fish. Helps keep em regular ;) I add a piece minus the skin every other week or so as i'm makin it for me and they chow on it till its gone. You don't want it to rot in there though, so keep an eye on it and take it out before that happens. You don't have to do anything special to it, just out of the fridge into the tank. Well you do wanna wash it off for pestacides or you can steam it if you like.
I peel the skin before blanching, just to make sure there's no pesticide

If your betta is anything like mine he'll LOVE the zucchini

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