Every 2 to 3 days add ammonia equal to about 1/2 the amount of the full dose you used to cycle the tank. The bacteria do not need to be fed daily, they will be just fine. However, be sure when you are ready to add fish that you do a big water change and get the tank to the desired temp.
Remember, your tank is cycled for full average stocking. If you put in only a few fish, you can no longer add ammonia. Over time, the bacterial colony will shrink back to equalize with the bio-load of a tank. It is a shame to make the effort to get a tank cycled for full stocking and not to take advantage of that. If one knows at the outset they wont stock well fairly soon after completing a fishless cycle, the whole process can be made to accommodate that.
One merely does the fishless cycle using less ammonia. Instead of a 3 ppm level one can use a lower amount. You can cycle a tank to process 1.5 ppm of ammonia faster than you can for 3 ppm. Its simple math, it takes less bacteria which means they take less time to reach that level of bacteria.