
lou 123

New Member
Nov 1, 2008
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What do you stock first, fish or CUC? Also, can you stock snails without having a lighting fixture on a tank?
Thank you.
Either, and yes you can stock snails without lights. If you start getting a diatom outbreak after your cycle, you can add CUC before fish...
^Diatom outbreak? I gotta send you photos of my tank, lighting fixture is in the mail, when the lights on ill show you.
i added a couple of crabs and snails first. They were the cheaper less exiting option, just incase aqnything went wrong. Thena c ouple of days passed and i added a fish. Then the rest of my CUC, the reason i didnt add the whole CUC first is i dindt have any outbreak so the tank was pretty clean. I wanted something producing a bit of waste in there before loads of hungry crabs and snails.
Ben, I did exactly what you did. I made this post after adding a few crabs/snails, and right now I have a percula clown acclimating.
Well, my first saltwater fish is in his tank and doing great! Although I do have one question, as I was watching my clown swim around the tank, I noticed small white little bugs, are these co pods, or some other small bug that fish eat? I think they may have come off the snails from my LFS. Are they harmful? Thanks.
Well, my first saltwater fish is in his tank and doing great! Although I do have one question, as I was watching my clown swim around the tank, I noticed small white little bugs, are these co pods, or some other small bug that fish eat? I think they may have come off the snails from my LFS. Are they harmful? Thanks.

small white bumps on the fish or the tank?

Is the clown wild caught or tank bred?

Seffie x

On the tank. Its not ich. But they look like little white bugs crawling on the tank walls. Theyre so small I have to take a light to the walls to even see them. I would imagine wild caught, since the owner said 99 percent of the fish he gets are from the ocean.

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