Do Delta bettas eventually develop into HMs with age?
I wouldn't have thought so. I would have imagined that in the idea of a HM wouldn't change into a CT, then a Delta wouldn't change to a HM. It is plausable that the tail type develop with age.. I guess.. ?
Well I'm not 100% but as a guess.. I would of thought that Delta and HM are two different tail types, whereas CT and the combtail CT are still the same thing in a way.. but again, I'm not sure really.
Actually, speaking as One Who Knows Nothing but has read the odd bit, a lot of half moons apparently degenerate to superdelta status as they age, since the definition of a half moon is pretty restrictive.
One weeny once-straight ray bending the wrong way, the loss of ability to fully flare the tail to the required angle, and technically, they no longer qualify.