

New Member
Nov 2, 2007
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is their any way to make guppies breed fast as posible?
or anything to make them want to? :hey: :wub:
you need to do nothing to make guppies breed, all they need is water and a male and female, it is possible that any females may already be pregnant if you got them from your LFS, females are pregnant for 4 weeks then will give birth every 4 weeks for up to 7 months from a single mating that is
To make them breed faster the best thing you can do it give them a massive tank with loads of Java moss this will give them plenty of space and hiding places for the fry.

Doing regular weekly water changes also help.
No predatory fish
Feeding loads of newly hatched brine shrimp.

All these thing help to save more fry and grow faster if that's what you rearly want to do...
i meen like them doin it more :shifty: :lol:

and by the way do i have any predatory fish againts guppies? (click on my profile, and scroll down to see what kind a fish i have)
you need to do nothing to make guppies breed, all they need is water and a male and female, it is possible that any females may already be pregnant if you got them from your LFS, females are pregnant for 4 weeks then will give birth every 4 weeks for up to 7 months from a single mating that is

Sorry, gotta disagree there. Yes its true about the 7 months thing, however, if they outgrow the tank, they release a hormone that stops them from growing and slows down the growth of other fish. Subsequently, they also stop breeding all together. I had 5 in a 2.2 gall tank and getting them to breed was the most difficult task i ever had to do with guppies. The only way i got them to breed was by doing a 10% water change every day, then a 40% change every Sunday, having the temp at 27 Celsius (which lowers the life span of guppies, but increases their "drive" so to speak.) Finally their diet was freshly hatched live brine shrimp, or daphnia, followed by flake food at night. The tank also had a bristle nose plec so it was a community tank. Oh and yes it was overstocked by a degree of about 3:1 but my filter could cope. It was also planted.

A tank of 20G or more is ideal, however i breed pure strain endlers which are similar (Flame me if u want, but u know its true :p) in a 14 G tank, and they love it! Finally, if the tank as ONLY guppies, then they will breed more often.

There's a lot of information on the net about guppies (which is how i got the hormone fact from) so just read it and it will increase your understanding of possibly the best beginner fish EVER!

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