

Aug 8, 2005
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Alright, I'm leaving for home tomorrow just until Sunday around supper time. One of my spawns I set up, I released the girl about 36 hours ago(yesterday). Nothing has happened yet but he has made a massive nest, massive massive. She's showing bars and has a fat white tummy, but so far he's just chased her around and she's being stubborn, but she has so many hiding spaces that he's been leaving her alone. I just don't see anything in the nest so I'm assuming nothing has happened.
My question is, should I leave them in until Sunday, or take her out and put her in the bowl again inside the tank? What do you think? He isn't really hurting her, she's chewed a little but he leaves her alone when she goes and hides. I feel pretty confident that they shoudl be okay, but what do you think?
If they do spawn while you are away its possible the male will try to kill her protecting his nest so personally speaking I would re-jar her, but thats just me being super cautious :unsure: I like to be able to peek in and check everything is ok on a spawning pair at least every couple of hours.
It's liek my 7th attempt with all kinds of pairings, but twice I had fry that died at 5 days, and the rest they never even spawned. I saw the girl eat some eggs, while it happened so I'm not sure how many are actually going to be there, and he's a first timer too so who knows. I have another pair set up to go next week, so aslong as one works out I will be happy :)
That's why I took her out but she was in there for 2 good days and whenever she was hiding he couldn't even find her, she'd be fine. She's out now though because they spawned the morning before I left :)

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