Question Regarding Stocking My Tank... :)


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2008
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I have had my tank running with the filter on for a day now and the water is still a bit cloudy from the sand substrate. Is it allright to start adding fish atm, or will this afect the fish?

I can see right through the tank easily, but it is still kind of hazy.

If it is ok I was thinking of intially adding my bottom dwellers to the tank.

btw. I am adding an established external filter to the tank, so consider it cycled :p
well if its the established filter thats been running for a day then maybe,
if it was me i would put some gravel and water from my other tank into the new one along with the matured filter,
and add maybe a FEW fish. leave them a week or so, and if all is well add a few more. you dont wanne put loads in straight away.
thats how i would do it. maybe im wrong. =P
Just add a couple fish for now, you dont even have to go buy new ones, you can put in a couple from your other tank to make sure everything is ok. It should be fine and cycled, just do a water test to be safe of course
When you have a newly set up tank it is normal to be cloudy, did you wash the gravel off good?

You must keep an eye on your water parameters and if you see a spike in your ammonia or nitrites I would do a water change.

You should be fine with the matured filter. Another option is if you notice a spike you can get a stocking, get a hunk of matured gravel from your existing tank, put a chunk in the stocking, tie it in a knot and put it in the bottom of your new tank. Works great!

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