Question Regarding L168 Poop-machine


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
East Sussex
HI there, I recently accquired a rather stunning L168 (Dekeyseria brachyura).

He/she is approx 4" and is settling in well and is surprisingly person-friendly, being regularly out on display at the front of the tank.

One thing that's slightly concerning me is the astronomic levels of waste he/she is producing.
Now I know plecos are notrious poop-meisters but this little fella seems to be outproducing any of the others I've had experience of (incl. L001, L206 & various ancistrus).

So my question to other L168 owners is have you experienced the same thing, or is this something I should be concerned about? At the moment, his diet consists of a mix of King British algae wafers, various veg (although he doesn't seem to be too keen on anything I've tried so far), white mosquito larvae & a lot of rasping on one particular piece of bogwood. Should I change any of his diet at all?

Other than the excessive poop, he shows no signs of illness.

Tank stats are ammonia & nitrite 0, nitrate 20, ph 6.8, temp 27c

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