Question regarding flaring, what's your opinion?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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Bob George never flared in the two years I have known him until recently when I bought a mirror to hang on his tank. I never have up there long. About 5 to 10 minutes. I was wondering if it is okay to leave it hanging.

Will he ever tire of flaring or is it unsafe for him to be flared so long?

I think a small amount of flaring is ok, but you don't want too much or he may get "blown fin"< never knew that until someone mentioned it on here awhile ago. I have one who constantly...CONSTANTLY flares until I turn his light off and he can no longer see his reflection, then he'll just go nestle himself under the plants and nap until he hears the light click on and the flaring begins again. I only turn it on for bout an hour a few times a day
i would say that mirrors are not so good as in the wild a beta would not come across another beta all the time and as it is trying to out do the reflection in terms of showing off its a battle that it cant win. best to try to increase the light outside the tank in this way the beta will not often see its own reflection and thus wont got for itself so much. it is of course inevitable that it will flare but so long as its not doing it all day long it may be ok. i know the problems of having to illiminate tank reflection as im trying to calm down my two sharks.
Great ideas. Thanks. I have removed the mirror and Bob George has been patrolling all day... :lol:


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