Question Please help


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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I have 2 questions if someone can help or give me hints I would REALLY appreciate it...

1) I have a Pleco "Fred" hes about 3 in. He is the most active pleco I have ever seen!!! :rolleyes: Anyways, he is starting to chase my Male Molly and only him, which I dont mind cause my Molly is very aggressive!! :angry: But I am afraid "Fred" will kill "Tarzan" Can this happen? and how can I stop "Fred" from chasing him? I know a 10 gal is way to small for a pleco, but I will be upgrading to a 25 gal very soon..any advice will be appreciated..

2) I have 2 5 1/2 gal tanks that hold my Guppy Fry and Molly Fry, and I have noticed that my babies are rubbing on anything they can, they are not doing it real bad, but its worry me..Could they have Flukes? If so what can u use to treat small Fry?

My tank water conditions are fine I just checked them today..I did have a problem with HIGH Nitrites in my Guppy Fry tank but they are now coming down!! And "Fred" get algae wafers every other day, and I see him eating the flake food I feed my other fish, so he is getting plenty of food.
Hey, about your first question...I had two mollies and one of them chased the other and then started nipping it and that same day the nipped and chased molly died :-( so I just want to maybe advise putting Tarzan or Fred in a seperate tank until you upgrade to the bigger one, that is if you have another tank or small aquarium. That's all the advice I have so good luck with it.... :)
Not too great of an answer but I would seperate them and when you get your new bigger tank, but the least aggressive one in first. Then 1/2 an hour later put in the other one that way the aggresive one won't think he owns the tank

About your second question, it sounds like it could be velvet or even maybe skin slime. But, it is probably velvet. Do you notice any yellow-gold coloring on them?
To treat velvet, you administer a proprietary treatment and shade the tank. But I would worry about treating fry, since they are so young.


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