question on substrate


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2x Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 18, 2021
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Greater Manchester
Hi all I'm going to be re-scaping my aquarium in the next month or two and was wondering if using play sand was ok? I'd be using a 1-2cm thick decorative layer in front of the main planted area. The main reason for using it is for its cost-effectiveness rather than aquarium sand or gravel. I've only ever used Fluval stratum or larger-sized gravel before so I'm not 100% on sand.

Would the sand I'd be using be fish-safe?
I had also heard of compacted sand forming anaerobic pockets that can harbor bacteria.
But would this happen with only 1 or 2 cm of thickness?

Any response would be helpful Thanks :)


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I had also heard of compacted sand forming anaerobic pockets that can harbor bacteria.
But would this happen with only 1 or 2 cm of thickness?
It has to be deeper for that to happen. Like 3 inches or more.
It should be OK if it feels smooth when you rub some between your fingers. If it's like other play sand, it may need a lot of washing to get rid of the dust.
Its very smooth I did a small amount in a bucket and it took about 4 washes to remove the dust in the water
You are in the UK, so look for Argos Play Sand. From past threads, this seems to be safe play sand, other brands may not be. Sand is overall the best substrate. Plants grow well in it, and it does no harm to fish (you won't have huge fish in this tank so no worries). Anaerobic zones will exist under chunks of rock or wood, do not move these, leave them alone. This is all part of a healthy substrate, but it cannot be interfered with; same holds for gravel too.
@MattW3344 Not every play sand is aquarium safe. I got curious so I emailed the KelKay company. I was told that their sand is *not* fish friendly so they don't recommend it for aquarium use. Go with Argos Play Sand instead.
Thanks for saying this! Was actually going to re-scape on Sunday I guess not now a trip to Argos it is then :thanks:
UK members use Argos brand, this one here does not look like that brand... ?
Why is that person on the chat saying it is not fish safe because of silica? Fishkeepers pay extra for silica sand I am sure lol
Sand is silica. Silicon dioxide. The person on chat saw silica on the packaging and assumed it was an additive.
Silica dust is an issue when it's dry and airborne. Then it can get into your lungs and cause scarring and breathing problems. It isn't an issue when wet because the fine dust can't get airborne, so fish are fine because it's wet.

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