Question On Sandstone


New Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Hey all,

I'm thinking of doing some minor re-scaping of my tank. Basically I want to get rid of one of my fake decorations and replace it with some rocks.

I'm no rock expert, and I've never used anything but pet-store gravel in an aquarium. I can't imagine the type of rock would have any major affect on water quality. However, I'm pretty sure one of the rocks I have is sand-stone. Will that have an affect on the water or the fish?

Anything else I should know?

Thanks all.
Not sure what type of rocks do this but, rocks have the potential to raise the pH of the water if your KH low (hardness of water/calcium carbonate concentration). The lower the KH is, the more the rocks are going to effect the pH.

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock and so can contain millions of shells and old dead crustaceans. However, the shells wouldnt exactly leach lime out, they would add calcium ever so slowly to your water which shouldnt have any effect if you do regular water changes.

It may however leach colours out, as many sandstones contain rich elements giving them their colours. If you drive across the southwest uk you can see rich reds and oranges in the soil - this soil is sandstone based and the colour comes from irons in different oxidation states.

What you can do is to pick up a rock and use a toothbrush and warm water. Put a bit of detergent on the toothbrush and use the water to foam up on the rock. If the foam becomes coloured after a while (10 minutes or so) then I would discard the rock.

I have a niece who picked up a rock by the riverside in devon, we wandered down the waterside for about 5 minutes and then her mum exclaimed "sophie - have you cut yourself?" Red from the stone had come out onto the skin of her hand, It truely looked like a nasty cut until we washed her hand.

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