Question on betta barracks


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2005
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I've got a question regarding betta barracks made to be added to a larger aquarium. Example:

These look like a really small space for a betta, but would they be okay for a temporary thing? How long would be humane to keep a betta in there? I have a sneaking suspicion that I've got the betta bug really bad, and I'd like to have a place to put a betta I just can't pass up at the lfs, until I can afford an appropriate tank for them. Also, if all of the dividers were removed, some gravel added to the bottom and a small plant or two added, this looks like it might be comfortable for a betta on a more permanent basis. Do you guys agree? Am I missing something about the construction on this that might be a problem? Thanks!
if you are going to just put one in there it will be ok because you can take the deviders out to get bigger space but if you want 2 in there you can split it half way its quite kwl actually im going to look round for somthing similar.
There are several on aquabid. There's another one that I think I'm more interested in that is deeper, so there would be even more room, especially once the dividers were removed. Plus, it has a lid. Extra good for bettas.

Wonder what everyone else thinks...
Hey Falconstorm
I might be wrong, but I think when those suction cups give up , as they are known to do, you will have betta(s) loose in the tank. Or locked in, unable to surface.
Just a thought, go to , go to catalog=DC0480 .
These have lids. Drill some 3/16 drainage holes in the bottem , maybe in the sides.
Drill two 1/8 holes , on one upper, side of the betta home, and two coorasponding ones in the plastic around the top of your tank. attach with plastic twisties.
Now he can get air , and can't fall into the tank. You can clean his tank by raising it up , it will flush out, and lowering it again.
Just a thought .
Good Luck
That's a good idea! Dunno how I'm going to drill the holes, but I think I like that. Thanks!

And good point on the suction cups. That's another reason I was looking at the other barracks available on there. They have physical clips that clip onto the side of the tank, but it's considerably more expensive. I'll take a look at your option. :)

Edit: I'm not fond of the sharp edges on the beanie boxes, since there would be other fish in the tank in general. What do you think of getting that particular barracks, taking the suction cups off and drilling the holes for the twisties in that? Think it would be feasible? Also, what do you recommend for drilling the holes? Just a regular drill?
i Have used them in the past and dint rate them at all unless it was an emergency they have to have an inch out of the water and as has been mentioned the suction cups give and when you are splitting males and he gets into the tank not a pretty sight (torn fins ) and i certainly wouldn't split into four unless its fry and then if small enough the get out the bottom........ :) :rofl: :rofl:
I agree, bettaman, on the four boxes. however, for temporary measures, what do you think of splitting it in half, and using the whole thing with no splits for a more permanent basis? Also, see my idea above to use the twist ties with drilled holes to hold it in place instead of the suction cups. What do you think?
There is still not much room i used mine for jarring fry i wouldn't keep and adult in one, unless it was just as a healing of a fin rip or something and no other tanks were to hand to use, just not deep enough otherwise it would be a good idea, i would have a hunt around for a tank first, but defiantly use the twists to make it more permanent in holding in place.... :)
Hmm...good points. I've been trying to figure out a way to split a ten gallon tank so that I can have three betta's in there, but still have some other fish. (One of my betta's gets on great with other fish.) I was thinking of doing a 3-way split with some plastic canvas mesh and just taking about five inches from each of the narrower sides. Does that make sense? Would that be comfortable for the bettas, and should I take this topic to the DIY section? *grin*
No i think that would be a good idea i have split tanks with plastic canvas and find it ok for the job, will be using it in my new tanks as it works well...
Hey Falconstorm
If nobody out in Texas has a drill, you could use a heated ice pick, or knife to make a hole in plastic. :rofl: Be very carefull and don't breath the fumes.

I much prefer the plastic net dividers . I have several 10 gal tanks divided into four sections. ( You want to have enough tank space ready, You never what you may see, and have to buy.).
I try not to put the males next to one another ,as they really get exited and try to fight thru the plastic mesh.
BTW I got the idea of beannie boxes, from Bettaman , I just changed them to fit my needs. Hopefully a plastic box betta barracks in the future .
Happy bettas :D
Thanks, guys. ya'll've been great. (Yes, I said 'ya'll'. I AM from Texas. *grin* Oh...and only in Texas can we get away with a double contraction!)

Hmm...judging by the hardware stores, I think there might be a few drills in Texas, but I'm really not comfortable with them, but I can heat an ice pick enough to melt a few holes. I've done something similar to that before. I will keep that in mind as a possiblity.

You're so right about needing a back up tank, though. I'm quite a sucker for these little guys and so is my boyfriend and mom. I keep thinking they're going to bop me upside the head for adding more and more tanks to the house, but they like them as much as I do. I just got a couple of small heaters made for a one to two gallon bowl. I'm going to try one out, and if they work well without fluctuating too much, I'm going to get a couple of hospital bowls for veiltail rescues. I'm a crowntail girl, but all those poor veiltales at Wal-Mart and Petsmart... *sigh* I think I may just have to do some rescue work, ya know?

In the meantime, though, aquabid is breaking my bank. :D
Dreamer tools is good to drill.
FalconStorm, I saw you bidding on aquabid for a gas mustard green crowntail male. He is beautiful.:) :D
Isn't he?? I'm a sucker for a pretty crowntail, and what they are asking for him is a steal. I'm a little scared of what shipping will end up coming to, but I'll make it work. Gotta get me a 2.5 gal for him too. Luckily, I have some good plants in the mail. His spot should be all set up when he gets here. I know I haven't won the bid yet, but I'll probably get him. Mmmm...he's so purdy. :)

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