Question: newborn plattys and ich


New Member
Dec 11, 2003
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Ok, my tank is full of ich. I've been treating it with Ick Clear by Tank Buddies. I'm on my 4th day. One of my plattys gave birth 2 days ago to 5 little babies.

I've gotten a little nursery for them :D They seem to be fine so far! My question is this: If I turn the temp up to 87 will it hurt the babies? I want to get rid of the ick, and I keep reading to turn up the temp. I do realize that either way I am in danger of losing them, and I don't have another tank to put them in. And the ick seems to be getting worse not better! UGGH!

Unfortunately, I can't give you any readings or anything. Before when I had an aquarium, I never did readings, never lost any fish to anything but my evil Ciclid, who my LFS never told me would eat my other fish. Anyway, I do plan on getting the right equipment for this tank, as I want to do it right. I love these little guys too much!

Also, I have to know this: if the fish all die, should I completely clean all the stuff with HOT water and then restart from scratch or should I leave it without fish and then keep the gravel, etc in it for a certain amount of time and then add a fish to it to get it cycled? I don't know how long the parasites will live without fish to eat on.
Well 2 of the five fry have died! I still don't know if it was due to the ich, medicine, or water temp!

I hope someone can help me.
I'm sorry but I can't help it's weird no one has yet though. I'm sure you'll get help soon. Good luck!!! :nod:

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