Question From My Cousin


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2012
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She has a 3 dot gourami that has gotten thin, it is moving back and forth and sometimes rubs against the tank. It is eating like a piggy but still gets thinner. She has had other fish (not gourami) do the same and die.

I've told her I think it's a parasite, but I'm not sure what type or if I am even correct.

What might this be?

Thanks :)
sounds like an internal parasite, if he is eating like a pig then get pellets, allow them to soak in meds then feed. it will attack the problem quicker then just having the fish swimming in the solution. 
You get a basic "internal parasite" med from interpet etc. - they are catch-all type meds rather than parasite specific.
Some tetra brand anti parasite meds will work
I just talked to her today and she got the tetra parasite guard. She said it fizzes and she took her carbon filter out.

Wishing her fishy all the best <3

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