Question For The Cory Breeders


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Apr 10, 2012
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Just a quick question, in my breeding net currently there is about 20 small cory fry about 2 weeks old and are about this big (----)

There is loads and loads more eggs on the glass again and i was wondering, if i put them in the breeding net with the fry, would they be safe?

Thanks :)

I have eggs at the moment from my spawning pandas, as well as panda fry which are a month old in the net and no one bothers with the eggs. Only if they have fungus do the cories actually eat them. Are they just sitting at the bottom of the net or are they attached to something? Mine are normally attached to some java moss.

Sorry maybe i didnt explain it properly, il start again lol.

In my tank i have a breeding net that i put all the cory fry in.

They are now 2 weeks age approx.

I have just noticed in the tank that there is loads of cory eggs (approx 50) and i was going to move them in to the net with the fry so they can hatch as my internal filter would easy suck them up if they swam near it when hatched.

When the eggs hatch in the net (if its ok to put them in) would the 2 week old fry eat them, or would they be safe?


I've seen my newborn fry sitting next to my older fry in the net and no one seems to notice each other much. If the bigger one's start darting about, the small guys just hide under the plastic frame. I've counted fry when they've hatched and they're all still there when they've grown. Even when fry have died, the babies don't seem to eat them (where I have seen the adults eat dead fry before).

Okies, thanks for your quick responses m8, i will put them in :)



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