Question For The Bristlenose Boys...


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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hey there so i have a trio of bns 2albino female 1normal male and they have been breeding for some time now but i have never got any albino fry out of it but recently i got a fully grown albino longfin male and i have a spare 60L would i be able to take one of the female albinos and put the longfin and one female in a 60L just to breed or is it to small ? and would this ruin the breeding trio between the normal male if i take her out for a bit then put her back in ? will they pair up again or is it ruined

hope someone can help that is experienced in this
Both male and female have to be albinos to get albino fry.

60 L is too small for even one bristlenose to keep, but I'm not sure would it work just for breeding... The male will guard the eggs for 6 days, the female could be taken away as soon as she is done.
You can definitely spawn a pair of bn in a 15 gal. (just under 57 L) . I know I did it for years. However, once they start spawning they keep doing so and the tank will not be sufficient to grow out the fry from one spawn let alone more. You will need more tanks for that.

As for what coloration any fry may be, yo will not know until they actually spawn. Unless one can track back the lineage, there is simply no way to know in advance. I had a pair of albino long fins which threw 100% browns with a mix of regular and standard fin. When the offspring spawned they threw about 1/3 albinos and the rest brown, but none retained the long fin trait. I never got to F2s my tanks from them as I mostly stopped keeping bn in favor of other plecos.
Albinoism is recessive, so its fairly 'rare' despite being common in the pet trade. You don't stand much more chance with albino parents.
thanks everyone i will give it a go and see what happens i plant to get another tank now for the fry :) twotankamin thanks for your help :good:
you would only get albinos from your trio if the male carries the albino gene which it looks like he does not.

a pair will be fine in a 60l i had a breeding pair for years in mine, just moved the fry out after a week or so

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