Question for Betta People


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I have been wondering something for a while now.......

Why do people keep bettas in such small tanks???

A lot of people do it and no one seems to think anything of it, why is that??

Just Curious, don't want to fight here people :no:


Well, Any one fish can be kept in a small tank (Ie. One platy can be kept in a 2.5 gallon, one Dwarf puffer can be kept in a 2.5 gallon, etc.) And since Betta collectors probably don't have the money or the space for a 10 gallon for each of their new Betta's, they resort to buying smaller tanks.
Plus Betta's are anabantoids, like Gourami's, and can breath air from the surface of the water. Many people say this is another reason for keeping them in such small tanks, because they do not need aeration. :)
I personally don't like it at all. Just because they can survive in a small space doesn't mean they should. People should not collect bettas if they cannot afford to house them properly.

I have heard the old bettas like small spaces and they live in puddles in the wild argument a thousand times. Thing is, in the wild the can move freely. When they are kept in captivity, they can't. Simple. Also, most bettas are captive bred from captive bred ones etc etc. So, is it ingrained that they are supposed to 'like' small spaces?

I just don't think 2 galls can possibly be enough. It may in terms of how much water they need as they can breathe air but what about room to turn round? And those cup make me sick.

I don't get it.

JMO :dunno:
I think the worst thing bettas have going for them is they look very pretty. Guess they would not be kept if they were dull and awkward.
I keep my bettas 40L-80L tanks, my baby boys have to be in large net breeders when they start hassling with each other, but they are sold soon enough.

I think that they can be kept in a bit smaller tanks too, but only if you can put a heater (or keep the water warm enough in some other way) and a filter (well, not so important, the nitrifying bacteria can live in(on?) the substrate too) in it and you do regular partial water changes. Maybe 20 liters would be a minimun where I'd put a betta.
It s also a great problem form people who actively promote the bad looking after of Bettas, 'you can keep it in a cup etc' Bettas are actually really active and I can't imagine mine being in anyhting smaller. Also unheated Bettas (or at the wrong temp) can be very inactive because they are cold blooded so perhaps people think that that is how the normally behave??
I have 2 male Bettas one lives in an 8 gall and one in a 10 gall they both have corys for tank mates and do great. :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
We all can debate this til we are blue in the face. Everyone has their own preference as to where we can keep what kind of fish. I just don't think it's right to get on someone's case because they keep however many betta's in a 2 gal space. Unless we see for ourselves where betta's come from, and actually see them in the wild live and in person, then no one person can say that "this is what they like". If the betta's are happy and healthy (which I bet 99.9% of the betta's kept in smaller space are) then there should be no problem.
canarsie11 said:
I have just set up a tank. I was thinking of adding one male betta, will the live peacefully with tetras?
It may chase them for a while, but it will subside. If you have cories, bettas are inquisitive about them. I had 2 white clouds and a betta in a 2.5g and the betta started chasing them. I didn't like it, so I too the white clouds back to the store. I saw panda cories and got them. They are so cute! Anyway, the betta tried chasing them, but they barely nudged. They were like 'Yah, yah - big bad betta flares and is all show-offy. Go away, prettyboy, don't bother us!' :grr: After that, my betta started hanging around with them and was actually turning into a cory! :huh: He started to hang at the bottom with them and even pick on the sinking wafers. What a weirdo! :fun:
freshwatergal said:
We all can debate this til we are blue in the face. Everyone has their own preference as to where we can keep what kind of fish. I just don't think it's right to get on someone's case because they keep however many betta's in a 2 gal space. Unless we see for ourselves where betta's come from, and actually see them in the wild live and in person, then no one person can say that "this is what they like". If the betta's are happy and healthy (which I bet 99.9% of the betta's kept in smaller space are) then there should be no problem.
I totally agree with you,if the fish are happy there is no problem. :)
FrankSlapperinni said:
And since Betta collectors probably don't have the money or the space for a 10 gallon for each of their new Betta's, they resort to buying smaller tanks.
I dont think that reason "Because I have no money, then I can buy smaller..." is very good explanation. If you don't have enough space in your house or not enough money, then is reasonable to be without buying any new fishes or tanks.

E.g. you don't take a dog either, if you can't afford it. Unfortunately those bettabowls, small tanks etc. are so cheap that everyone can buy them as many as they want. Keeping betta in small tank is another issue about which you can find more debates using "search engine".
canarsie11 said:
I have just set up a tank. I was thinking of adding one male betta, will the live peacefully with tetras?
:D :crazy: I don't know what tetras but when I put my male betta in my 55g for 2 minutes all six of my serpaes went for his tai. I didn't leave him in there though. Try cories or ghost shrimp. They won't harm a betta :D

I think people hold bettas in small containers because that's what the petstore does, and what the pet store does is right to new fish keepers. So that person always keeps their betta in jars and tells other people to and they keep on telling other new betta owners. I try to avoid keeping them in small containers although I might have to If I succesfully breed my bettas, but if I get some extra money I may buy a large tank and a bunch of dividers but I got 2 months to think. In my opinion, bettas like being able to strech their fins an swim straight instead of in circles. If a betta was turned into a person, they would buy the largest house they could afford, not the smallest. :blink: I wrote a lot :blink:

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