Question For Beginer

the biorb is ok, i had one but your limited to what you can have in one as the filteration is not that great and they are hard to maintain. and the hole at the top in hard to het fish in and out with a net.
they look good with just neons or other small fish that swim together. the stones that come with them are sharp so you cant have corys ect.
hi, what kind of tank would be ok for some1 brand new like me then?, thank you. :)
i would say the standard shape,
measure the room you have and go for the biggest you can afford.
then you could go for a tank that has all you need like juwel, which i like and have had 2, or go for a tank and add your own bits, like internal or external filter for example. there is a lot to choose from.
ok thanks, do you know any good recomendations to get tanks from, or just ebay?, thanks. :)

Juwel tanks have the filter and heater built in which will make thngs a bit simpler for you. If you can afford/have room for a larger tank go for it. In some ways they are easier to keep as water quality and temperature can't alter so quickly. Most aquatic shops (or I hate to say it, Pets at home) will stock Juwel tanks.
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ok thanks for that, id have thought a smaller tank would have been easier to maintain, even though you are limited to what you can put in them, but i think i ill have to get a book about them as i think i need to learn how to keep tropicals before getting a tank without not knowing about them!. :)
ok thanks for that, id have thought a smaller tank would have been easier to maintain, even though you are limited to what you can put in them, but i think i ill have to get a book about them as i think i need to learn how to keep tropicals before getting a tank without not knowing about them!. :)

A tank is an enclosed ecosystem, if you think about it, and it's one of the general rules of nature that smaller ecosystems are less stable.

That Juwel Rekord 70 tank makes quite a good starter tank; it's big enough to have a little more stability but not to enormous. I've got one of those, which is now being revamped- but I used to keep 4 corydoras, 4 platies and a male guppy, that's about the sort of stocking that would be suitable.

I've also got a Rekord 60- same length and width but not quite so tall, currently housing a colony of smallish livebearers.
Thanks for your advice, much appreciated, is there any good books on how to keep tropicals, like what temparature, when to clean them etc, i like fishes, we have a couple of goldfish, but thats all, and they are fairly simple to look after, where as i presume trops, you have to be more carefull.
the only difference with tropicals is the temp, which should be roughly 24 deg constant,
as you already have fish and know how to do water changes ect, you will find trop easy.
the only difference with tropicals is the temp, which should be roughly 24 deg constant,
as you already have fish and know how to do water changes ect, you will find trop easy.
but how often do you clean the tank, goldfish is quite often, are trops the same?, :)
the only difference with tropicals is the temp, which should be roughly 24 deg constant,
as you already have fish and know how to do water changes ect, you will find trop easy.
but how often do you clean the tank, goldfish is quite often, are trops the same?, :)

A weekly partial water change of 20-25% is probably fairly standard practice, though there are variations on this.
The price looks ghastly to me for a 60l tank which is 16gal US and slightly over 13 gal imperial. On post mentioned maintenance as being an issue. From the picture on e-bay, that issue is likely understated. I would suggest that you go with a conventional tank on a package basis or buying the pieces separately. I seems to me that the package deals appear to be a good deal however, it also seems that the non tank components are not necessarily of very good quality. you will likely wind up with a better system if you do the research and by the components separately. There are a number of DIY possibilities including filters, stands, sumps, diffusers, CO2, etc.
Welcome and good luck. This site is an awesome resource and there are a number of others out there.

fishgeeks, albertaaquatica, aquaboard, aquaticplantcentral - are just a few

a 24 inch tank would be about the size i could fit, ideally, is there any good books i could buy on tropicals please? :)
The price looks ghastly to me for a 60l tank which is 16gal US and slightly over 13 gal imperial. On post mentioned maintenance as being an issue. From the picture on e-bay, that issue is likely understated. I would suggest that you go with a conventional tank on a package basis or buying the pieces separately.

It depends on what country you're in. Here in the UK I have looked around on a couple of occasions and found that the Juwel package deal actually worked out cheaper than buying the components separately. And in the UK, the Juwel is as conventional a package deal as you're going to get, they are the most common tank kits around. What I would say, though, is that that E-bay offer may not actually be any cheaper than buying the same tank new from a shop- look into that.

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