question for all your dog experts


Feb 8, 2004
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New York
my puppy is about 4 months old. now we have a strange problem with her. Whenever my dad comes to the house and comes inside the puppy jumps up and is all hyper and ends up peeing on him. This only happens to him. also when shes outside, instead of going down to the grass to pee she has been recently peeing on the deck. is this normal behavior? is it a sign that somethings wrong?

The peeing when your dad comes home is a submissive act. Dogs that are "overly submissive" do this. It's pretty common... my neighbor's dog does it too.

I'm not sure about the peeing on the deck. Are you waiting too long to take her out that she can't hold it until she gets into the grass? I don't think this means anything is wrong, all dogs are different! Some prefer to pee on wood ;)

By the way, my puppy is 4 months old too (exactly 16 weeks!)

Good luck!
well my puppy is 13 weeks old and pees everyhwere especially when people pay him attention.....when we aren't watching him he does his business on the training mat we got for him....when being watched he will go anywhere!!!

I hear male dogs are worse regarding peeing everywhere and get better after desexing
ill put her in the grass, then shes comes onto the deck and pees. must be one of those puppy things.

thanks for the help :)
hey there- My dog is 4 years old and still pees whenever he gets excited to see someone come home.

As far as the deck goes, my other dog who is 5 years old still pees on my moms deck when i take him there.

Just make sure to pick the puppy up and bring it to the grass, and if it does go on the deck just give him a firm "NO" so it learns not to do it. :D
Some dogs are afraid of going in the grass. Urs might have experienced something unpleasant in the grass...
Is it houstrained? If not, take it out every two hours and put it on the grass and wait for it to pee. Tell it no when it tries to go on the decking. When your dad comes in, tell him to ignore the puppy until it is calm, then greet it when he has taken off his shoes, put down his bag.briefcase etc. Then calmly greet the puppy. Also try taking the pup out for a wee just before your dad comes in.

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