Question For All! Leaking Tank An Polyfilla


New Member
Mar 22, 2012
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I'm a new fish keeper and my tank has a leak! I have transferred all my fish and ornaments into a spare tank an so they are all safe and doing well! I have identified a leak and thought it useful to patch up the inner seal of the tank with polyfiller, I just wondered if this was harmful for fish? I have a 30 L tank, with 2 small goldfish and 2 plecs! Cheers, Harry
lol - this is a troll right?

Apologies if I'm being insensitive
I'm a new fish keeper and my tank has a leak! I have transferred all my fish and ornaments into a spare tank an so they are all safe and doing well! I have identified a leak and thought it useful to patch up the inner seal of the tank with polyfiller, I just wondered if this was harmful for fish? I have a 30 L tank, with 2 small goldfish and 2 plecs! Cheers, Harry

Hi no1muse, :hi: to the forum.

I'd really, very strongly advise you to buy a new bigger tank for your fish. You can easily reseal leaky tanks, as eggo has posted, but for two goldfish you really need a tank that is at least 30 gallons; and the plecs, if they're commons and not bristlenoses, will grow to over a foot long.

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