Question For A Friend


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
over the weekend a friend of mine expressed intrest in getting into fish, espeically bettas (what i lovingly call the gate way drug)
anyways to get her started i gave her one of my old tanks a five gallon marine land corner tank with filter and a spare media which i couldn't use on any of my current tanks.

after some fun with her sunday (She named her betta male princess not knowing he was a boy, poor little guy)

she wants to get another fish to keep him company, she was looking at gold fish (i think i disuaded her from that one) tetras and minnows.

what fish could she have as a proper companion for the tank with out overwhelming it and him?
To be honest Bettas are quite happy to be by themselves but if she wants more fish for the tank i would look at maybe getting some pygmy cories or some kuhli loach.
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I wouldn't reccommend keeping more than shrimp, a snail or a few male endlers with a betta in a 5 gallon. Not all bettas will accept them though - some will kill/attack other tankmates, whereas some are so laid back they will accept most other fish.
i thought so but its been a while, all my bettas have lived on there own, unless female and in community, but she is a young fish keeper, just starting out. we all make mistakes when we start out, i want to encourage her and guide her the best i can. let her make he own mistakes but guide her to the right choices for her and her fish.

(thats why i gave her a five gallon.)
If you have a nicely cycled filter, try a couple of rasboras or even some pygmy cories. I must agree that a betta does not require tank mates but they also do not require a 5 gallon tank. Both changes do benefit a solitary betta though. With company they get a bit more exercise and the 5 gallon tank gives them room to move about more. Both are benefits to their health.

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