Fish Herder
over the weekend a friend of mine expressed intrest in getting into fish, espeically bettas (what i lovingly call the gate way drug)
anyways to get her started i gave her one of my old tanks a five gallon marine land corner tank with filter and a spare media which i couldn't use on any of my current tanks.
after some fun with her sunday (She named her betta male princess not knowing he was a boy, poor little guy)
she wants to get another fish to keep him company, she was looking at gold fish (i think i disuaded her from that one) tetras and minnows.
what fish could she have as a proper companion for the tank with out overwhelming it and him?
anyways to get her started i gave her one of my old tanks a five gallon marine land corner tank with filter and a spare media which i couldn't use on any of my current tanks.
after some fun with her sunday (She named her betta male princess not knowing he was a boy, poor little guy)
she wants to get another fish to keep him company, she was looking at gold fish (i think i disuaded her from that one) tetras and minnows.
what fish could she have as a proper companion for the tank with out overwhelming it and him?