question for a friend


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
hey guys I have a friend that runs a fish department at a store, and today he said that he had a customer come in and ast a question that he didn't know the answer to. it seems that this fish has got a scale growing over its eye!!!! he asked just to make sure that it wasn't a fungus and the customer said for sure that it wasn't that it was a SCALE!!!! has anybody else ever hear of this?
yes well the thing with that is, usually other people who just have fish for looks and ornament (Not a serious hobby) see things very differently to 'fish experts'. I have never seen or heard of a scale growing over an eye. Maybe you should tell your friend that owns the shop to tell the customer to bring the fish to show him.
I have a similar thing with one of my fish. Not quite sure of the species (possibly some sort of tetra - about 1.5-2" long, silvery-white, quite long dorsal fin - help someone pls? :D ) - anyway, about 18 months or so ago his eye looked in bad shape. I didn't really know what to do, so poured in some general "solve-all" treatment.

To cut a long (and boring) story short... that fish now has a pin-prick sized black part to his eye and the rest of the eye looks scaled. Looks identical to the rest of his scaling. The other eye is fine, he swims around quite happily without bumping into anything etc.

Very strange...

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