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May 8, 2005
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aquadise...i havent used them but i do remember reading some negative comments on them..has the service improved much..i see they only have a 97% rating with 16 negative posts..i dont think i would order from them at this time but just wondering..
dont buy aquatic livestock such as plants or fish from ebay sellers with less then 99.0 % feedback they are likely to have poor conditioned plants and or no delvery
some gd ebay shops are :

try these three i have bought from all three
the order in which they are in shows which one was the best so last-trading-post provided the best service
I've made two separate orders from aquadisestore and I have never had any problems. The feedback rating does indicate that some other members have had problems (and you have to remember that since most people buy multiple plants at once, many times 4 or 5 negatives come from the same person who just got one bad shipment), but for me the low cost and free shipping makes it worth the risk. The fact that I've had nothing but good experiences with that seller just means that I'll definitely be going back for more.

PS. - On both orders that I made he has thrown in bonus free plants as well that I didn't order.

PPS. - Notice also that most of the negative feedback comes during the winter months (of his 91 negatives in the past year, 90 came during the last six months), so with temperatures warming back up again things should be more reliable.
Aquatic Magic should be No1 because:

They sell quality items
They have good prices and will accept lower offers
Their plants aren't just clippings weighted into bunches of your run of the mill available everywhere plants.
There are some really good quantities of rarer plants (although slow growers will come as small packages)

The 3 you have listed are good but are 50% compare to AM as they just do not sell the variation or have any of the not s common plants as seen on AM

p.s. Do not be limited by searching UK ebay. AM are malaysian and therefore if you buy from the american site then the shipping is still the same, the delivery time is still about 10 days BUT with the US dollar being so weak you can often get the plant much cheaper on there (although in auctions there are a lot more bidders and they often go higher than the UK auction ones)

Just my Opinion as I know Sam had a bad quality plantfrom them but I have only had good stuff as follows (so far)

Rhinox 2000 ceramic glass diffusor
Gamba XII glass bubble counter and glass NRV
IIwins - scissors and tweezers
4 way air manifold
Anubias Barteri 'Petite' - Beautiful
Phillipine Java Fern - Was Huge
Fissidens Zippelianus - small portion but a slow grower so will take time to start to look like his pictures - still great plant
Mini Pellia - As above but is growing a little faster
Nymphea Rubra Tiger Lotus Bulb - In the tank 24 hours when I first noticed it had started shooting. Now after 1 week has shoots 4 inches high

My next plant (after getting all the other bits and bobs sorted) will be the Lace Plant as seen in Liams awesome moss tank.


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