question about water


New Member
Jun 9, 2004
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hey there..
i'm going to add RO water as my next water change, but i need to know does it still need to be de-chlorinized? do i use the stress coat stuff that eliminates chlorine or no?
No you do not need to add dechlorinater to R/O water, the chlorine like everything else has been removed during the filtering process.

You will need to add back the essential trace elements that are also lost while producing R/O water, i use KENT R/O right to stabilise my R/O water.
Silly me said:
or just mix the R/O water 50/50 with tapwater.
Why on earth would you want to contaminate your nice clean RO water with all the pollutants that you have just removed by adding tapwater back to it? :crazy:
Most people use RO water to get away from the high nitrates, phosphates, heavy metals and other crap that is found in domestic water supplies, adding them back to the pure filtered RO water is defeating the object of making or buying RO water in the first place.
no you do not need to add stress coat.

I use water from my air conditioner. It is perfectly distilled.

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