Question About Water Hardness


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I have a cleaned out and fully fishless cycled tank (see signature) again and have just placed in 6 new fishies yesterday.

Ph is 7.2
Amm is 0
Nit 0
Nitrate 5

And my water hardness is 180ppm.

I have 2 Pakistani, 2 Golden Gouramis and 2 Angels (Black & Yellow)

Is my Hardness to hard for these fishy types or within the limits??

And my water hardness is 180ppm.
Is this 180 ppm calcium oxide or calcium carbonate? Technically, general hardness is properly measured by giving the equivalent amount of calcium oxide, but many test kits use calcium carbonate instead. Not sure why. In any, 180 ppm calcium oxide would be moderately hard (18 degrees dH), while 180 ppm calcium carbonate would be only slightly hard (about 10 degrees dH).
I have 2 Pakistani, 2 Golden Gouramis and 2 Angels (Black & Yellow). Is my Hardness to hard for these fishy types or within the limits??
Whichever measuring system your test kit used, your water should be well within the tolerances of Botia almorhae, Trichogaster trichopterus, and domesticated Pterophyllum hybrids, if those are the fish we're talking about here.

Cheers, Neale

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