Question About Volume


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I might be getting a tank from my older sister soon; a nice 46 gallon acrylic bowfront tank with a stand and everything. But as I look at the tank, it just looks smaller the the 20 gallon long that I have now, which houses a pair of small goldfish. If I were to get the tank, I'd like to get just one more goldfish. But it sort of bothers me that it -looks- smaller. The only measurement in which the 46 gallon is bigger is in hight and the widest point of the tank (from the back of the tank to the bow). The bow of the tank isn't even as long as the 20GL is straight across.

It seems silly that a tank over twice the volume of the tank I have now would seem smaller. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. :/ Halp please?
Its generally best to go with the footprint of a tank and not the volume, height is probably the least important measurement (though depends on fish species eg. angels). That is to say the length and width of a tank ifluences the stocking options more than the height will (within reason, not something daft like a 2" tall tank).

If the footprint isn't much larger than the one you already have, and you arn't happy with it then don't get the tank. You will regret it later on if you buy it, especially if you see one thats much better, but you havn't got room for it. I suggest you think about what you want, and if the 46 bowfront is for you, fi not don't worry theres always another deal out there.

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