Question about tiger loaches

well... you'll have 7-8 inch bottom dwellers. I wouldn't say thats not safe stocking but then you will be limited on bottom dwelling fish.

When stocking a tank you have to take into account where the fish hang out as well as overall gallonage/fish ratio.

But in short... yea, they should be okay.
it's the 55 in my sig, most of the fish are mid dwellers, and they really tend to stay around that area, I was wondering if the size was right. Aslo: if they like caves! and what type of substrate is best for their safety. Right now there is medium/large gravel as their substrate.
I'm not really much for loaches but...

Most catfish like bottom dwelling fish have barbs or tentacles which can be damaged by rough substrates. Sand would be best but provided your gravel is well rounded, it could do well also.

Yes they would like caves to hide in. I saw coconut shells cut in have with a little door cut into them today at Pet Smart (just to say, the local Pet Smarts aren't too bad for fish & supplies). Something like that would be great. Flower pots on their sides or upside down with doors cut into them work great. Any aquarium safe cylinder like object can be cut in half for a nice tunnel. Be creative.

my problem is that if they are cave liking fish they'd probably have a problem with the two cichlids that keep all of the good hiding spots to themselves. They are kind of bullies leaving one cave to flush the fish out of another! I set up the tank with a lot of hiding spots to try and cut down on there territorialism*, but they just take up more space!

The rocks are pretty well rounded as they where removed straight from a fast flowing river, actually, just down stream from a class 4 rapid! but I'm still unsure about there size and ability to co-habitate with the cichlids!. Also does anybody know if they will help with the brown algae?

*Mispelled, sorry.
the 2 tiger loaches we had went back after 2 days - they terrorised our 50gal.

Read up on them - they are an aggressive fish.
Also does anybody know if they will help with the brown algae?

To the best of my knowledge, no loach eats "wild" algae, although most do enjoy munching on algae wafers.

At any rate, no, a loach will not eat brown algae.


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