Question about this cichlid


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, CT
Here is a pic of him

First, does anyone know their real name. I have looked and looked and cannot find it.

Second, he has a little problem.

Every coupld of months, he develops a large lump in his throat. It doesn't hurt his eating, and doesn't effect his normal daily activities. It usually goes away within a week or two.

I am not sure what causes it, and he is the only one who gets it. No one else in the tank has this problem.

Anyone have any idea what it could be?

Someone had suggested maybe it was a rock, but his mouth doesn't open that wide, and his mouth is not in from like the other cichlids I have, his mouth points more downward than outward.

I would appreciate any help

The picture in the link is a Pseudotropheus zebra "Orange Blotch". However, if your fish looks like that fish but it's mouth points downward--as you mentioned, and has sort of a round "nose" then it's a Labeotropheus fuelleborni OB, and it's a female! :eek: That "lump" in its throat are really eggs in its buccal cavity. Normally a female who's holding will not eat--but if she is eating and the "lump" goes away in a week it's because she's consuming the eggs, or spitting them out where they then are getting eaten by other fish in the tank. Next time you see the lump, keep an eye on her, and before the week is up, catch her and put her in a separate tank. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results
Here's a good picture of one holding eggs--you might like the article too
Thank you so much for the info. She still has that lump right now, so I am going to move her to a small tank, and see what happens. She has had this lump for about 10 days or so, much longer than she had the last one.

I hope I get to be a grandma :p
Just a little update :)

I scooped her out after my post, and put her by herself in a tank. The lump has not disappeared, so whatever she has in there is still there. I would say she has had the lump for about 2 weeks.

Also, she has stopped eating.

If she is carrying eggs, which is what I think now, how long does it take for her to expel them?

Thanks :)
normly 3-4 weeks, depends on the species though, and sorry no i dont know your species specific time (i figured a general time will help you untill you find a more specific time)
TheeMon said:
normly 3-4 weeks, depends on the species though, and sorry no i dont know your species specific time (i figured a general time will help you untill you find a more specific time)
Thank you. An estimated time is better than not knowing at all :D

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