Question About Tank Currents


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
In a month or so, I am planning to move my betta into my 10 gallon tank. Presently, there is a bubble curtain that causes enough of a current that my molly plays in it and ends up being pushed about half a tank back from the bubbles. That's way too much for the betta, isn't it. I love the bubbles... but I have a much smaller air pump if need be. Actually, will he need bubbles at all? There's a HOB filter in the tank....
I got a pump and a filter that hung on the side thinking it would be better than the external hanging type--less current which was true. However, mine took to attacking the bubbles and damaged himself a bit. I had to run right out and get another so I got this plastic box kind. It's a pain to wash off the charcoal as it didn't want to's working better for him. I call this thing "the little engine who could" as it putts putts all day like a little steam engine. Cheap entertainment. My oldest betta doesn't mind the external kind and liked to ride the current when he was still able. A REALLY swift current isn't a natural environment for them. The fish place has theirs so high their bettas can hardly right themselves to get a breath. You'll be able to tell pretty quick what's working and what's not hopefully. I'd wait to buy anything until you get the fish in there.
well, there's already a bubble curtain, but if it doesn't work, it's not like I can't move it into the larger tank. I just wondered if it would be ok for him or not. He seems to like bubbles as he sits atop his current filter around the bubbles. I guess he likes it.

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