Question about sharing of tank..


Oct 25, 2004
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I visited a LFS for the first time today (it recently opened, yay!) and I noticed they had one male bettas in the same tanks with other fish.. guppies and such.

Im thinking of combining another regular fish with my male in the 5 gal, a small fish.

Is there any suggestions to this? Is this a big no, or a certain type of fish I can choose? Help?
tetra's are cool.

I should mention, any fish good without a filter? I know bettas done like them, I do regular water changes.
Neon Tetras are a definite no-no. Not only are they pretty delicate, but they'll eat a Betta's fins down to nothing.

In a five gallon, I'd probably get several African Dwarf Frogs. They tend to go really well with Bettas, and they don't need a filter.
You like catfish? Bettas typically get along with Coryadoras Catfish. They should be kept in groups of three.
catfish are interesting..

Im going to bed, but I will be back in the morning to check on this thread.

Can you all list suggestions and I can look over them in the morning and do research before I decide on something?

thanks in advanced, I'll let you know what I decide.

(anything good to share in a 2.5 gal with a betta as well? or is that a def no as well?)

night :D
2.5 gallon is generally too small for other fish, especially ones that can share a tank with a Betta.

5 gallon is pushing it, because most of the fish that can share a tank reliably with a Betta must be kept in numbers that make such a small tank prohibitive.
At the moment I've got Vespasian in the 20 with 6 cories. He loves the space/temperature, but I need to move/divide him off... He's getting narky. And Hannibal is just violent... Watch out with the cories.
Thanks for the replies you guys :D

I decided to move him to a smaller tank, he's always hanging in a small area of the 5 gal, never really swimming around the entire tank. I think he'll be happier and I can use the 5 gal for something else.
I vote for a couple of small corys . I keep four emrald cats , in a 10 gal with a male betta . He showed some aggressive intrest the first day , but now they ignore each other.
The betta was finniky at first , only ate dry food ( reckon thats all the pet shop had fed him ) So when he let the brineshrimp, or bloodworms , drift to the bottem, the cats took over.
I'll move them to other tanks later.
Good Luck

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